The Story So Far…

IceBreakers: We Dip As One

We had struggled with personal experiences, the tragic multiple losses of friends taking their life, depression and anxiety and we observed more data surfacing relating to widespread decline in men's mental health. The health service is under extreme pressure and mental health provision has always been minimal, so we set about to find a way to provide a space and ritual for any man, it’s not therapy, but it kind of is, but in a natural and gentle way - just blokes supporting blokes. This works for those men that want to look after themselves without having to talk about their emotions if they don’t want to. We welcome that too, but only when ready. 

There’s a growing body of evidence supporting the physical and mental health benefits of cold water immersion, credit to Wim Hof for taking it mainstream, but his approach requires baths filled with ice and training which limits the accessibility for many. We wanted to find a way to make the benefits available to all men.

We have developed an evolving methodology, The IceBreakers Way, to simply and safely access the benefits freely available in nature and to get the most out of the cold water, community and nature. In 2020 we gave it a name, IceBreakers.

Going forward we want to take this approach further and enable more men to establish chapters of dippers and grow this powerful community of men supporting men.